Chocolate Sauce

July 25th is National ice cream Sundae Day.  This is a simple sauce that works great for  Sundaes!  

P.S.  It is also national chili dog day.


Chocolate Sauce
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1 pint
1 pint
Chocolate Sauce
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1 pint
1 pint
Servings: pint
  1. Combine all ingredients except vanilla in pan.
  2. Melt until all ingredients blend well.
  3. Add vanilla and stir well before removing from heat.
  4. Cool slightly before pouring into glass container.
  5. Optional microwave directions
  6. In 8 cup microwave container mix all ingredients together.
  7. Cook 5 minutes on medium (50%). Stir well.
  8. Cook 5-6 minutes long or until it really boils.
  9. Add 1 tsp. vanilla and put in blender to mix.
Recipe Notes

Store it in a pint jar in the refrigerator.

Warm in microwave or over low heat on stove to soften before using.

Thank you Chris and Brenda Handel for this recipe!

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