Aunt Bonnie’s (Reble) 12 Grain/Seed Bread

We asked Aunt Bonnie for a good bread recipe when we were in Colorado. She was super sweet and gave us this recipe plus all the ingredients that we needed to make it. While Aunt Bonnie found all the ingredients and Adrian ground everything, we enjoyed spending the afternoon just chatting and being able to be with Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Bill. We then walked back “home” to enjoy the rest of our lazy Sunday.

12 Grain/Seed Bread
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4 loaves
4 loaves
12 Grain/Seed Bread
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4 loaves
4 loaves
Servings: loaves
  1. Bring to a boil oats and 2 cups water.
  2. Remove from heat and add olive oil.
  3. Cover and let set from 1/2 hour to all day.
  4. Put 2 cups warm water in a large bowl.
  5. Sprinkle yeast over water and add molasses and honey without stirring.
  6. Rinse measuring cup with 3/4 c warm water and add to oats with 1 more cup water.
  7. When yeast has softened, start adding dry ingredients.
  8. When too stiff to mix with mixer, add oat mixture and keep adding more dry ingredients until too stiff for mixer.
  9. Mix by hand, then turn out on floured surface and add more flour as needed as you knead.
  10. Put in greased bowl and let rise for about 1 hour.
  11. Punch down and pat in 4 greased loaf pans.
  12. Let rise about 30 minutes.
  13. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  14. Bake 35 minutes or until sounds hollow when thumped.
  15. Brush tops with butter and turn out on racks to cool.
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