Cornmeal Raisin Bread

I do not remember when I was given this recipe from Mom M. If you use yellow corn meal, the bread will have a light yellow tint.

Megan thinks it tastes like hot cross buns but without the icing.

“Rotten Tea”

Grandma Reble's Recipe
Grandma Reble’s Recipe

Many years ago, my friend Charlotte,  shared this tea with me on the way to school.  I thought it was great and she gave me the recipe for “friendship tea.”  I made it a few times and forgot about it.

Years later, I was given the recipe for “Russian Tea” from Mom McGuire.  We played with the recipe and made it in a variety of ways.  Adrian has always enjoyed it.  He thought it was called “Rotten Tea” and that is what we call it at home more often than not.

Cinnamon Caramel Popcorn

Jan 19th is national popcorn day. What better way to celebrate than with a fresh bowl of caramel corn?