Pumpkin Muffins

This is a simple, dairy and gluten free biscuit from my friend Mari G. The biscuit does not contain eggs, but adding a hard boiled egg and fruit is a simple way to make an easy picnic lunch.

Snowball Cookies

It has not snowed much this winter, so we have not had much chance to play in the snow. Andrea decided it was the perfect day to make snowball cookies when it started to snow for a short while today.

The original recipe called for 1 1/2 cups finely chopped walnuts (or pecans). We adapted our recipe to use chocolate chips in place of some of the nuts because that is Andrea’s favorite way.

While these are great cookies, they do not stay fresh long. Plan to enjoy them in a day or two, or enjoy them with your favorite hot winter drink.

Lady Fingers-Gluten Free

Andrea commented that she really wanted tiramisu for dessert.  We looked in three stores before finding lady finger cookies.  We did not find gluten free ones at all.  So we decided to try to make our own.

The recipe we tried was very easy.  The cookies crisped up and are wonderful for dunking in hot drinks or just eating plain.

Chocolate Chip Marshmallows

We enjoy learning new recipes every winter.  Adrian decided that marshmallows sounded good to try this year.   He attempted them himself and discovered they were a lot easier to make than he thought.

We used mini chocolate chips, but most of them melted.  The next time we make these, we plan to omit the chocolate chips, but cut the squares larger and dunk them in the chocolate.

These taste great alone, but are also wonderful in hot chocolate!

Lemon Bars

My girl friend Heather and I would often make these at her house.  We almost always doubled the crust and would eat one batch of it as the second batch baked.

Now Adrian loves lemon desserts and this is one of his favorites.

Rhubarb Pie

Growing up, I can only remember eating strawberry rhubarb pie.  I was happy to learn that plain rhubarb pie is so much better than strawberry rhubarb!

Allan and I were given this recipe many years ago when we were first married.  This is the pie we make most often and will eat it often while the rhubarb lasts.  We also try to freeze some rhubarb for a special treat later.