Red River Date Muffins

Mom really likes Red River Cereal and wanted me to try it. I agree. It is very good! However, it takes awhile to cook, so we decided to look for muffin recipes that use it. After cooling the muffins, we freeze them for an easy breakfast. Just remember to pull early so they can thaw out.

Grandma Mabel’s Fruit Cake

This is Grandma Mable’s recipe that she sent to Uncle Tim with some modifications and comments that he and Oma made. While the recipe calls for an angel food cake pan, Uncle Tim only remembers Grandma making in loaf pans. So, that is the way I will make it too 🙂

Instead of using candy fruitcake mix, mix and match your favorite combination of dried fruits; such as apricots, cranberries, currants, golden raisins, candied ginger, orange peel and a few candied cherries.

Cookie Dough Truffles

I am not sure where we found this recipe, but it was one of the first truffle recipes we tried.

If you prefer not to eat “raw” flour, place flour on cookie sheet and bake for 5 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool before using. The truffles will have a nuttish flavor.

Cream Cheese Truffles with Variations

When we first started learning to make desserts, this is one of the first, and easiest truffles we learned. Have fun experimenting with your own variations!

Pumpkin Seeds

When ever we buy a pumpkin, we always save the seeds to roast. We also roast the seeds to butternut squash and spaghetti squash. The seeds may be different sizes, so be sure to watch so they do not over cook.

There are so many different ways to make pumpkin seeds. We did an experiment many years ago where we compared boiling the seeds first and with different oven temperatures. They were all so similar tasting, that we kept with this simple recipe from our friend Miss Krista.

Angel Food Cake

This last weekend, we were able to buy a bunch of eggs on sale. Once I returned home, I realized that I already had a few dozen in the refrigerator. Not wanting to waste eggs, I asked Andrea to please make this recipe, twice.

When I was first given this recipe, by another para I worked with, I did not make it. I had been told that angel food cake was hard to make and finicky. A few years ago, Andrea and I started making it together. It is not a super hard recipe to make, but works best on dry days and when you have a little extra time to let it cool properly. Be sure not to get any yolk in with the egg whites and the pan you use is not greasy.

We almost always use an angel food pan for this recipe. If your pan does not have a removable bottom, line your pan’s bottom with parchment paper. We have also made this with a small lined bread pan with success.

This cake is good plain, for strawberry shortcake, with custard and with ice cream. It also freezes well if you have extra.

Funnel Cakes

We do not always go to the fair. We enjoy it, but sometimes, we enjoy other things instead. This year, we went camping!

When we first made these in July 2009, we also made elephant ears on the same day. We had spent the day at the fair and we told the kids we would buy them one treat and since Momma knew how to make these at home, they decided on a treat we could not make . After making these, Mark put this warning on the bottom of his blog,

 WARNING! Do not make these and elephant ears at the same time. You might get sick.

Cow Chip Cookies

We discovered this recipe many years ago in a cookbook at Grandma Reble’s house. I do not know the name of the cookbook, but it has a bright pink cover and it is a collection of recipes from different people in CO. We try new recipes from this book every time we visit Grandma’s house.

These are larger cookies, so we usually make a half batch.

Andrea showing off a cow chip before our cow chip throwing contest.

Lemon Zucchini Bread (or Cake)

With zucchini growing nicely this year, Mom looked for a new recipe to use some of the extra up. She gave us a loaf of this bread that Adrian decided was a lot better than the chocolate cake we usually make because of the lemon.

The loaf Mom gave us was frozen and it defrosted very nicely. She recommended not glazing it until ready to eat. We decided to only make half the glaze and it was plenty.

Backpacking Upside Down Pineapple Cake

It is always nice to have some sort of treat while backpacking. We usually save this treat for an extra hard day on the trial or the very last night out. It does not make a lot, we usually make two batches for the seven of us, but it is enough for something special.

This also works at home. Use canned pineapple slices and skip the step for re-hydrating.