Ciabatta Rolls, Sourdough
  1. Mix water, salt and starter, stirring briefly to combine.
  2. Add the flour, and stir until you have a wet, sticky dough ball, using hands if needed.
  3. Cover with a tea towel or cloth bowl cover and let sit for 30 minutes.
  4. With wet hands, grab one side of the dough, and pull up and to the center.
  5. Repeat on other side, and then the last two sides.
  6. Cover the bowl.
  7. Repeat this process three more times at 30-minute intervals for a total of 4 sets of stretches and folds over two hours.
  8. Let rise at room temperature until the dough nearly doubles in volume.
  9. Cover with plastic wrap or a lid.
  10. Transfer to fridge for 12-24 hours.
  11. The next day, remove from refrigerator.
  12. Sprinkle top of dough liberally with flour.
  13. On floured work surface, turn dough out and pat dough into rectangle.
  14. Sprinkle top with flour.
  15. Using a bench scraper cut the dough in half vertically then three more cuts in each half to for 8 rectangles.
  16. With floured hands, gently pull outward and place each roll on to parchment lined baking sheet.
  17. Let stand for one hour.
  18. Heat oven to 475ºF.
  19. Bake rolls for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 450 degrees.
  20. Rotate pan and bake an additional 10 minutes.
  21. Cool on cooling rack for about 30 minutes before slicing.
Recipe Notes

Optional.  Form a longer rectangle and cut into two pieces.  Adjust baking time if needed.