Apple Cider
  1. Wash apples.
  2. Roughly chop apples, removing any bruises or wormy parts.
  3. If desired, remove seeds, but it is not necessary.
  4. Using food processor with standard attachment, add chopped apples and pulse until apples are minced and pulpy.
  5. Pour apple pulp into a straining cloth.
  6. Holding over another bowl, squeeze and twist the cloth to extract the juice.
  7. Repeat until all the apples have been juiced.
  8. Serve cold or warmed slightly.
  9. Freeze if desired, leaving a few inches of headspace.
Recipe Notes

While any type of apple works, chose your favorite flavors. Mixing and matching is encouraged. Katie recommended using scraps and juiced apples for apple cider vinegar.  Wonder if it would work.