Lightning Yakisoba

A very easy stir fry. Flower, root, stem, or bulb vegetables are best to use as leaf vegetables become soggy when cooked. We recommend broccoli and carrots.

If you can not find store bought, use this Yakisoba sauce recipe.

Butter Chicken for Instant Pot

A friend brought this over for dinner. It was so good, I asked for the recipe 🙂 This is a mild recipe, so adjust the seasonings if you prefer spicier.

Turmeric Chicken Soup

As the weather cools down, hot soup is a very easy and filling meal. This recipe has been adapted from a recipe that Mom M. gave to Angie who passed it on to me.

The turmeric is very subtle and more could be added easily without overpowering the other flavors. If you like ginger and garlic, go sparingly at first. They are not super strong, but will quickly overpower the chicken.

Serve as is with some fresh bread.

Miss Jili’s Kung Pao Chicken

Miss Jili is a friend of ours from China. We enjoyed having her over and sharing recipes with us before she moved to finish her schooling. This is a favorite recipe of ours.